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Selectmen Minutes 08/24/2010
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
August 24, 2010

Members present:  Jeffrey Jordan, Michael Paveglio
Others Present:  Nancy Tanner (Town Administrator), Barbara Frangione, Walter Sanborn, Lucille Noel, Brandon Giuda, Steve Stock

Chairman Jordan opened the meeting at 7:00PM.  

Brandon Giuda
Mr. Giuda wanted to discuss Berry Road with the Selectmen.  Mr. Giuda said that the road gets a lot of use during functions.  He said he would be willing to take the road over if the Town fixes it first.  Mr. Giuda said that he is getting ready to pave his property.  He said that he has the equipment to pulverize the road to gravel.  If the Town wants to pave the road at the same time Mr. Giuda will help with the prep work, which would save the Town money.  Mr. Jordan asked about cost.  Mr. Giuda feels the cost to the Town would be around $8,500.  Mr. Giuda would like an answer from the Board soon as he is going to start his driveway soon.  Mr. Jordan feels the Board can have a decision by September 7th.  

Forest Warden
Steve Stock reported there is a wildland training that two students have expressed interest in attending.  There was discussion as to whether or not the Town pays the students to attend trainings.  Steve will investigate and let the Board know.
Steve is applying for a 50/50 grant to obtain headlamps and field packs for the firefighters.

Other Business
Grange Hall:  The Town has received the certificate of historic registry for the Grange Hall.  Lucille Noel showed the Selectmen the plaque for the building.  
Unanticipated funds:  Mr. Jordan made a motion seconded by Mr. Paveglio to accept and expend unanticipated funds in the amount of $50.00 from William and Sherry Brackett and $64.00 from the Chichester Old Home Day Committee to benefit the food pantry.  Motion passes.
Grange Hall:  Mrs. Frangione referenced the discussion from last week regarding the energy suggestions.  One of the energy suggestions was to limit use of the Grange Hall during winter months for savings.  Mr. Frangione reminded the Selectmen that they are obligated to allow the Grange to meet two times per month.  She feels that it is the duty of the Town to provide a meeting place for groups.  She would not like to see that practice stopped.  The Selectmen indicated that they were not in favor of draining the water and closing off the other floors at this time.  
Abatement:  Abatement request for Map 1 Lot 42-1 was considered.  Our assessor recommended denying the abatement.  The assessor stated that she did visit both the abatement property and the comparable property and feels the property was fairly assessed.  The Selectmen are going to do some research and discuss again next week.
Concord Senior Source:  Concord Senior Source is a new comprehensive print and online directory of services/activities for seniors.  Chichester does not have a senior group; however our seniors use the center in Pittsfield.  Nancy will contact Pittsfield and coordinate the listing.

Accounts payable and payroll were approved.

The minutes from August 17, 2010 were approved.

A motion by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. Jordan to adjourn the meeting at 7:59 pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Tanner

____________________________    ________________________       ___________________________
      Jeffrey Jordan, Chairman Richard DeBold                                   D. Michael Paveglio